Thursday, March 16, 2006

Resorting to gypsies and crystal balls

I had a tarot reading (with some clairvoyance thrown in) done earlier this week. Now do I believe in this stuff? Not particularly, maybe a little, most of the time the analysing side of my brain says this stuff is not necessarily true - it was sort of an interesting test, I told her very little. She seemed to know quite a lot. I'd like to believe this reading. In fact I am going to believe this reading - if nothing else faith and a positive outlook is good for me.

Here's what it came up with
I am about to receive back all that I have given and must allow others to give. I am overcoming difficulty, possibly health or emotional, and learning to control my life. I am building material wealth and security.

I need to chill out, take stock, step back to see what I have achieved and celebrate it.

I am about to gain material success, but must be prepared to learn something to help this along the way. I may be moving on from work in the next few months. I will have decisions to make.

Long term my health will be good, times have been tough recently but it will improve. I need to explore alternative remedies and look at combining them with the medical ones.

I probably won't travel this year but will be making the plans this year. I will probably stay longer overseas than originally intended.

I will be embarking on a medium term project in the next few months that probably has something to do with housing and land. She suggested buying a few acres (I didn't obviously tell her that we already had a few)

I'm left wondering how much of this is going the cards and how much was mind reading... hey just spit out everything I happen to want at the moment (but put the travel off just to stop it being too perfect)

You all needn't bother buying lotto tickets for a month or so cos I'm going to win it soon. Actually that might be big Wednesday (must buy a ticket)

Naturally with several million spare I won't bother going to work I will be concentrating on investing the dosh carefully. We will buy a stunning block of land and build a stunning house. There won't be time with all that going on to head off to Europe for a month this year so we'll go next year.

I've been racking my brains to figure out what I have given lately, and I'm not really sure I want my old magazines, the old clothes and the sheep drench back. And I don't think I need my charity donations back if I am going to win Lotto - in fact I'll add some more to them.

Maybe I'm going to die and go to heaven....


Anonymous said...

Don't you dare!

I don't know Wino...if I read your reading and pertained it to me then it would still pan out. Did she/he actually says anything that could only be about you?

Lets face it at our age (!) we all have some ill health every now and then (although you really have been very ill) we all want a house on some land (don't we?)we all want to hear our financial problems are going to be over.
Bah! Although I do hope you DO win Big Wednesday, but not as much as I hope I do :-)

wino said...

LOL I don't mind if you win. There were actually a lot more personal details in there that were disturbingly accurate that sort of leads pleasantly to getting what I want. I am actually not that happy about changing jobs. In fact I said No way. (perhaps they'll fire me)