Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A minor gripe

Reasonably frequently someone pays me reasonably good money to give them the benefit of my accumulated wisdom - and some research - in my chosen field of expertise.

What gets me is that about 50% of the time they say "thanks very much that is good advice" and go and do the exact opposite of what I recommended because they knew what they wanted to do all along.... usually they don't seek any further advice from anyone else, sometimes they get someone else to also tell them pretty much what I told them before they go and do the opposite.

I know I shouldn't let this bug me - after all I get paid and it isn't my fault if they make the wrong decision - in fact I'm probably better off when they don't do what I recommend, I can't be held accountable when it goes wrong - but it does irritate me a little at times.

I just wonder what the point is....


wino said...

Thanks Spider - if I told you exactly what I did I would have to kill you!!! and all other lurkers lol (I'd be far too easy to find). Am involved with property....

wino said...

Might add was having a bad day when I wrote that... grrrr - over it now....