Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I went out and missed all the fun

Had to go do some work the other day darn it.

While I was gone the neighbourhood had a helicopter visit. Apparently this rather large machine checked over the whole neighbourhood fairly thoroughly and at a low level and it sprayed some purple dye on three patches of greenery over at the scruffy neighbours. Shortly after that all the scruffy neighbours found they were running late for appointments as they all got in cars and drove off quite fast.

About twenty minutes after that the police arrived and pulled all the purple plants up by the roots.

Why did they have to choose the day I went out?


Anonymous said...

What a bugger to miss all the fun.
You may find (fingers crossed) that your lovely neighbours may be going away for a wee holiday and you won't have to sell up.

wino said...

I wish Chooky! Unfortunately I believe growing dope is only good for some Community Service these days. Contemplating putting a P lab in their back shed and letting the cops know (Do you think I'll find how a P lab works on the internet so I'll know what bits I need to put in there?)