Thursday, March 16, 2006

Actually dying isn't on the agenda

barring falling under buses.

Scanned again earlier in the month. "Have you had a CT before" they always ask. Yes thanks - I've had so many that I actually know your name even if you don't remember me...

And the results are (drum roll) opens envelope.

That tumour they've been watching is possibly even a bit smaller, certainly not bigger. The no-treatment treatment is working as well as the treatment treatment. And the side effects have been minimal.

Everyone is so impressed they don't want to see me for six months. If there was any potential for death over the next week or two they would have told me they'd see me in three months.

I'd like to thank my mother and father for having me, my darling husband of course, my children who were so patient, the cats for purrs when needed and the hens for providing organic eggs. Hugs to my siblings who have been so supportive. I wouldn't have got this far without all those medical people (Without them I would never have suffered as much as I have), and special thanks to all those in blogland for your caring. I would also like to thank blogger for providing this platform for my efforts... *is dragged muttering from stage clutching photocopies of scans triumphantly*


Anonymous said...

THAT IS WONDERFUL NEWS! send me your 'phone number so I can congratulate you in person please.

I am SO happy for you.


Anonymous said...

That is great news Wino - I am so pleased you mentioned your chooks in your thank you speech !! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ha yes me too!


llew said...

Don't you love the "we'll make an appointment for 6 months"? It says so much, without saying it.

Well done.