Monday, February 15, 2010

Vale - Dick Francis

Being a horse fanatic and an inveterate reader I've been a fan of Dick Francis for about forever. I loved that he never wrote a book I couldn't somehow identify with, the detail of some of the subjects he included (flying, photography, glassblowing), the plot twists and clues that kept me amused and pondering throughout. Not heavy literature by any means but guaranteed entertaining.

A bit over three years ago when we got to see horses training in the early morning mist in the Cotswolds husband and I said to each other "it's like something out of a Dick Francis". His words had described the scene so well that that was the first thing we both thought of.

I was actually reading my way along the Dick Francis shelf in the bookcase this last week, noted over the weekend that I appear to be missing a book I wanted to reread and went online this morning to see if I could find a copy. There the news came up the Dick Francis died yesterday.



homepaddock said...

He was one of my favourite authors too.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I gave you a Sunshine award!

Talisman Farm said...

I have give you a 'Beautiful Blogger' Award :o)