It was a toss up - take Ears the old girl for a ride and Tee the yearling for a walk or put three woolly minis in the float and take them for a walk. The minis won, the big guys can go next time.
Topaz the baby didn't get in the piccie as she was firmly attached to my leg like a nervous dog for most of the time. But she was very good for a baby who had never left home before, let alone seen all that wet moving stuff and scary horse eating birds that were in the wet moving stuff, and so many dogs. Little black Ebony had obviously never been to the beach before either - she took a bit of coaxing to keep moving when she first put her feet on the sand and there was no way she was getting near the water.
Often see someone on Otaki beach in a dinky little cart being towed by one of these. It looks cool.
Although with about 6 of them you could power a dinky little chariot!
Gorgeous little mini's,I love them.
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