It comes from being a horsemad little girl I think. The smell of glycerine saddle soap is still divine as far as I am concerned and carries subconscious memories of Saturday nights before Pony Club with horse gear strewn round the dining room and industrious labour with saddle soap and silvo to be neat and tidy for gear check the next day.
These days I mostly use a synthetic saddle so the saddle soap doesn't get as much use on equine related leather, but I would rather clean my leather handbag and wallet than do housework (and sometimes do).
Which leads to the large overnight bag. Mother in law had a large, wheeled, soft sided overnight type bag when she came to stay a year or two ago. Husband idly admired it so he got one for his birthday. He used it once for a business trip across the Tasman, I used it every time I went away for work - a reasonably regular event. The last time I unpacked it in a motel room I found I had literally worn it out - there was a patch on the base where you could see daylight. Now seriously it got some regular use but I hadn't used it THAT much - they don't make luggage like they used to you know.
Could have gone to the Red Shed and got another Made in China bag I suppose. Instead I had a wee look at the Flybuys statement. As it happened there were enough points for a new bag. And really what use are loyalty points unless they get you something you sort of want but can't really think of a good enough reason for spending real money on it.