Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A bit of bull...

Woke up on Saturday morning to find our cattle numbers increased overnight.

Two of the neighbours bulls were in our paddock having a party, reminiscent of a police gathering in Rotorua in the 1980s, with Betsy the cow. This is an annoyance I had hoped that Betsy had more taste in boyfriends, I had other plans for her, and they didn't include gang bangs with freisan bulls of dubious quality. I suppose I need to face the fact that the cow is just a slapper.

The 'boys' didn't want to go home. In fact they got quite irritated at the suggestion. And it was a bit of a problem as it appears they jumped in and there is no convenient gate out again. Eventually they conceded they might like to go into the raceway and eat the nice grass in there, leaving Betsy in her paddock a deer fence away.

Trouble is - it's Tuesday and despite repeated messages on the owners phone they are still here. Putting them back where they belong requires moving them down the driveway, down the road and through the farmers farm gate down there, and it doesn't seem like a good thing to do with two bulls intent on staying where they are. At least not for us amateurs. In the mean time they are behaving like delinquents, opening gates and going through them onto grass we were saving for something else, leaning on the fence posts and yelling about how unreasonable life is when they get taken back out of the paddocks they shouldn't be in.

Vet is booked for Betsy next week - if they are here much longer I might book the truck to the works for these two...


Karl said...

I'd leave a perfectly friendly message on the answerphone advising the neighbours that the bulls really do need to be moved, and if they're not gone within 24 hours, not to worry, you have plenty of freezer space.

If the damn things aren't gone by then, just ring the council & ask for the Pound. (grins evilly)

Bulls around a proddy heifer are not to be messed with, experience or no. Keep a healthy distance, girl. Those beggars can turn postal at the drop of a cowpat.

And sex isn't the only thing they can gang up to do...

wino said...

LOL problem solved on Friday when their owner came down with his dogs and put the little blighters back where they belonged and dropped off a large round bale of hay in payment for their unofficial grazing. He's a nice bloke really, lets us ride over his land and borrow a bull if we did want one - so all's well that ends well

Cam Morris said...

Thank you for tthis