An occasional story about what is happening down on the farm
Monday, February 06, 2006
Horse mad woman loses grip on reality
Husband has to remove horse from bedroom
Second small horse found attempting to graze carpet
Wife claims horse wanted to see the fish tank
Ha, great photos. I was just thinking about compiling a group of pictures intitled 'NO!' of chickens in the kitchen, dogs on beds etc. Yours takes some beating though..
I could add to that group of photos - cat on the table and the bench (shutting his eyes and pretending he's not there), chicken in the car, horses in the house of course, cat in the fridge, goat watching tv. I think there's just about a childrens book in this...
Ha, great photos. I was just thinking about compiling a group of pictures intitled 'NO!' of chickens in the kitchen, dogs on beds etc. Yours takes some beating though..
I could add to that group of photos - cat on the table and the bench (shutting his eyes and pretending he's not there), chicken in the car, horses in the house of course, cat in the fridge, goat watching tv. I think there's just about a childrens book in this...
Ooh definately. You deserve far more comments then me wanging on - hyserical.
You could always send 'em off to The Olde Website for the next calender....
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